Sep 6, 2014
Shut California's Fukushima: Diablo Must Go!
The catastrophe at Fukushima was not an accident. It's unfolding again in California.
The next west coast quake could easily shake the two reactors at Diablo Canyon to rubble.
They are riddled with defects, can't withstand potential seismic shocks from five major nearby fault lines, violate state water quality laws and are vulnerable to tsunamis and fire.
Diablo's owner, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), is in deep legal and financial crisis.
Sep 3, 2014
Shut the Devil's Nuke!!
The great David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists ( has appeared with California activist Rochelle Becker of the Alliance 4 Nuclear Responsibility ( on my Solartopia Green Power & Wellness radio show to discuss the terrifying details of the situation at Diablo Canyon.
Diablo---the Devil's Nuke---is within shaking range of five major earthquake faults.
Here's the link to the show:
Aug 28, 2014
From Fukushima to Solartopia: An Atomic Meditation
As Fukushima continues to spew out its radioactive poisons, we are witnessing one of the great technological revolutions in human history.
Our ability to survive on this planet has never been more endangered by industrial pollution, and yet we now have the means to create a green-powered Earth.
On this year's anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing, I had the opportunity to speak about this "best of times/worst of times" reality to a wonderful group of citizen-activists at the Unitarian-Universality Hall in Berkeley, California.
Jul 15, 2014
Fukushima's Children are Dying 福島の子供たちが死んでいく
Fukushima's Children are Dying
Jun 14, 2014
Fukushima's Children are Dying
Some 39 months after the multiple explosions at Fukushima, thyroid cancer rates among nearby children have skyrocketed to more than forty times (40x) normal.
More than 48 percent of some 375,000 young people-nearly 200,000 kids-tested by the Fukushima Medical University near the smoldering reactors nowsuffer from pre-cancerous thyroid abnormalities, primarily nodules and cysts. The rate is accelerating.
Jun 3, 2014
Fukushima is Forgotten but NOT Gone
The corporate media silence on Fukushima has been deafening even though the melted-down nuclear power plant's seaborne radiation is now washing up on American beaches.
Ever more radioactive water continues to pour into the Pacific.
At least three extremely volatile fuel assemblies are stuck high in the air at Unit 4. Three years after the March 11, 2011, disaster, nobody knows exactly where the melted cores from Units 1, 2 and 3 might be.
Apr 16, 2014
UN Panel: Renewables, Not Nukes, Can Solve Climate Crisis
Apr 9, 2014
Fighting Our Fossil-Nuke Extinction
The 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez disaster has brought critical new evidence that petro-pollution is destroying our global ecosystem.
The third anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown in Japan confirms that radioactive reactor fallout is doing the same.
How the two mega-poisons interact remains largely unstudied, but the answers can't be good. And it's clearer than ever that we won't survive without ridding our planet of both.
Apr 5, 2014
Solartopia! Winning the Green Energy Revolution
High above the Bowling Green town dump, a green energy revolution is being won. It's being helped along by the legalization of marijuana and its biofueled cousin, industrial hemp.But it's under extreme attack from the billionaire Koch Brothers, utilities like First Energy (FE), and a fossil/nuke industry that threatens our existence on this planet.