Jul 3, 2013
Obama, Mandela and Leonard Peltier
Barack Obama has taken his two daughters on a dramatic visit to the Robben Island cell once occupied by Nelson Mandela.
Let's hope he takes them next to the one now occupied by Leonard Peltier.
Mandela was famously held by the apartheid South African government for 27 years. He became a global symbol, then president of his nation.
Mandela was charged, among other things, with attempting to overthrow a government, which he admitted.
Jun 7, 2013
San Onofre is Dead & So is Nuclear Power
From his California beach house at San Clemente, Richard Nixon once watched three reactors rise at nearby San Onofre. As of June 7, 2013, all three are permanently shut.
It's a monumental victory for grassroots activism. it marks an epic transition in how we get our energy.
In the thick of the 1970s Arab oil embargo, Nixon said there'd be 1000 such reactors in the US by the year 2000.
As of today, there are 100.
May 16, 2013
San Onofre at the No Nukes Brink
In January, it seemed the restart of San Onofre Unit 2 would be a corporate cake walk.
With its massive money and clout, Southern California Edison
was ready to ram through a license exception for a reactor whose botched $770 million steam generator fix had kept it shut for a year.
But a funny thing has happened on the way to the restart: a No Nukes groundswell has turned this routine rubber stamping into an epic battle the grassroots just might win.
Apr 26, 2013
Los Angeles to San Onofre: "Not So Fast!"
A unanimous Los Angeles City Council has demanded the Nuclear Regulatory Commission conduct extended investigations before any restart at the San Onofre atomic power plant.
The move reflects a deep-rooted public opposition to resumed operations at reactors perched in a tsunami zone near earthquake faults that threaten all of southern California.
Meanwhile, yet another top-level atomic insider has told ABC News that San Onofre Units 2 and 3 are not safe to operate.
Apr 14, 2013
The Restart Duel At San Onofre Takes a Seismic Leap
The bitter battle over two stricken southern California reactors has taken a shocking seismic leap.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has ignored critical questions from two powerful members of Congress just as the Government Accountability Office has seriously questioned emergency planning at the San Onofre nuclear plant.
At a cost of some $770 million, Southern California Edison and its partners installed faulty steam generators at San Onofre Units 2 and 3 that have failed and leaked.
Mar 9, 2013
Fukushima is Already Harming Our Children
Thyroid abnormalities have now been confirmed among tens of thousands of children downwind from Fukushima. They are the first clear sign of an unfolding radioactive tragedy that demands this industry be buried forever.
Two years after Fukushima exploded, three still-smoldering reactors remind us that the nuclear power industry repeatedly told the world this could never happen.
Feb 27, 2013
The Tower That Toppled a Terrible Technology
There it stood, 500 feet of insult and injury. And then it crashed to the ground.
The weather tower at the proposed Montague double-reactor complex was meant to test wind direction in case of an accident. In early 1974, the project was estimated at $1.35 billion, as much as double the entire assessed value of all the real estate in this rural Connecticut Valley town, 90 miles west of Boston.
Then---39 years ago this week---Sam Lovejoy knocked it down.
Feb 16, 2013
Our Atomic Dominoes are Falling
Two more atomic dominoes have hit the deck.
At least a half-dozen more teeter on the brink, which would take the US reactor count under 100.
But can we bury them before the next Fukushima erupts?
And will we still laugh when Fox "News" says there's more sun in Germany than California?
Wisconsin's fully licensed Kewaunee reactor will now shut because it can't compete in the marketplace.
Jan 7, 2013
Two stricken California reactors may soon redefine a global movement aimed at eradicating nuclear power.
They sit in a seismic zone vulnerable to tsunamis. Faulty steam generators have forced them shut for nearly a year.
A powerful “No Nukes” movement wants them to stay that way. If they win, the shutdown of America’s 104 licensed reactors will seriously accelerate.
Nov 29, 2012
Nuke Power's Collapse Gets Ever More Dangerous
In the wake of this fall's election, the disintegration of America's rust bucket reactor fleet is fast approaching critical mass.
Unless our No Nukes movement can get the worst of them shut soon, Barack Obama may be very lucky to get through his second term without a major reactor disaster.
All 104 licensed US reactors were designed before 1975---a third of a century ago. All but one went on line in the 1980s or earlier.