
Human Breast Milk and Goat Milk Analysis Reveals Elevated Levels of Radioactivity


Contact: Nancy Burton 203-938-3952 cell 203-545-9252

The Mothers Milk Project will reveal to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at a public meeting on February 12 that milk sampled from humans
and goats near the Indian Point Nuclear Power Station shows elevated levels
of strontium-90, a fission product known to cause bone cancer, leukemia and
diseases of the immune system.

Photo opportunity: Cindy-Lu, a goat whose milk has consistently shown
elevated levels of strontium-90 over a multi-month sampling period, will be
present with her 4-day-old baby goats, Luna and Dude.

Of 30 milk samples from breastfeeding mothers and goats within 50 miles
of Indian Point, nearly all reveal levels of strontium-90 with the highest
results occurring closest to the nuclear plant located on the Hudson River
in Buchanan, New York.

Of great concern are the sample results revealing the presence both of
strontium-90 and a related fission product strontium-89. As strontium-89 has
a short half life, its presence in the milk of lactating mothers alongside
strontium-90 provides strong evidence that the radioactivity was recently
produced from a nearby source, likely Indian Point.

Representatives of the Mothers Milk Project will present their
preliminary findings to the NRC at its meeting on Indian Point license
renewal at 1:30 on Thursday, February 12, 2009, at Colonial Terrace, Grand
Ballroom, 119 Oregon Road, Cortlandt Manor, New York.