
Please sign our letter to President Obama!

We need to send a message loud and clear - and quickly. No funding for new nuclear reactors in Congressional climate legislation! Please consider joining the close to 600-and-counting individuals who have already signed on to our letter to President Obama in just the first week.
The Senate will be working on climate legislation that could hand over at least $100 billion - or even more - in federal loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors. President Obama has advocated for renewable energy and green jobs and we applaud him. But the president needs to know that his green energy agenda will derail if nuclear power once more grabs the lion's share of federal support.
Nuclear power is too costly for our health, our safety and our pocket books, and no amount of atomic propaganda will ever bring enough new reactors on line to address climate change in time.
Please help stop the Senate squandering our dollars on radioactive relics by writing and calling your Senator. Let's give our president a truly green climate change bill to sign. Please Sign our letter to President Obama today. You can find it on our Web site under Take Action and in the September 28, 2009 copy of The Nation. And thank you!