NRDC: Tell EPA to start the clean energy revolution now
I urge you to make your own voice heard right now in support of strong pollution controls.
As you know, the Obama Administration took a huge leap forward in April by recognizing that carbon pollution leads to killer heat waves, stronger hurricanes and many other threats to human health and the environment.
At that time, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson proposed an "endangerment determination" under the Clean Air Act -- a finding that carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping air pollutants "may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare."
Then, last month, President Obama ordered EPA to follow up this proposal with tough standards to reduce global warming pollutants from new cars and trucks - standards that will save consumers billions of dollars at the pump even as they protect the planet.
But before that can happen, EPA must adopt its proposed "endangerment determination." Powerful lobbies like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are trying to stop EPA from acting.
That's why Administrator Jackson needs to hear from concerned Americans like you right now.
Tell her to adopt the proposed "endangerment" finding -- and to follow up with tough standards for global warming pollution from vehicles and power plants.
We already have the technology to cut global warming pollution by making and using energy more efficiently, and by using renewable and cleaner energy sources. This energy technology revolution will help our economy recover, create millions of green jobs, save consumers billions of dollars and cut our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.
Please call on Administrator Jackson to slash global warming pollution and begin the clean energy revolution now!
Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund