Don E.: More on Newsom's Diablo Memo
Thanks for posting this, Harvey.
I had not intended this to be a final document, but a starting point others are welcome to add to or clarify, as need be.
I still have not seen the full agreement, does someone have a link to it?
I wonder if we will have a chance to modify the agreement at future workshops and hearings? I would like to offer an amendment calling for a regularly scheduled powering down of the reactors, say, 25% annually, to open the market for renewables and conservation. This might be an aggressive schedule, but for every 25% reduction, only about 12 1/2% in renewables would need to be added, since only half the power of the reactors needs to be replaced.
This could, of course, have the reactors off in four years, which affects the long-term financial deals (pay-offs?). Maybe a 10% annual reduction?